Tuesday, 18 October 2011


Bismillah hir-rahman nir-rahiim,


Sahabat-sahabat yang dimuliakan, semoga Allah swt memuliakan anda pada hari ini.

Sebelum saya membalas komentar terdahulu (maaf!), ingin saya lontarkan satu soalan.

Siapakah Hajar itu, ya sahabat-sahabatku?

Secara literal dan structuralnya?


Hikari-san said...

Wsalam wrh

Secara literal dan structuralnya?
Err ilmiah/teknikal sungguh perkataan itu.. takut nak jawab :)

Maksudnya apa? Siti Hajar dari segi
Peribadinya? Akhlaknya? rupa paras kah? Haisshh

p/s sorry tak menjawab soalan akan dicuba lain kali :D, insha'Allah

-ini sempena hajj kan..
Last year saya banyak menyelami kepada peristiwa2 sebelum korban nabi ismail a.s as the hajj is about remembrance of nabi ibrahim a.s & nabi ismail a.s and their submission to Allah swt. contoh..

1-Hari-hari tarwiyah- 8,9 Zulhijjah - hari yang nabi ibrahim mendapat wahyu (untuk melakukan korban) and he waited to confirm that the rukyah/revelation is from Allah.
2-Hari Arafah - 10 zulhijjah - he had the certainty that the revelation (rukyah) from Allah (And we have the wukuf in arafah - arafah is the true hajj)
3- Hari nahar - hari korban - The day of submission -we want to enter the state of submission just like nabi ibrahim & his son - they were in the state of submission.

Personally it was very short journey for me compared to my umrah before. Totally different experience. The hajj is like preparation for the day of judgement - yaumul tarwiyah+arafah+nahar. It's like a reflection on what we're going to face in the 'next world'.

Wallahu aklam.

Hikari-san said...

According to Rabghuzi, The famous Turkish collector of prophetic stories (Qisas al anbiya) Hajar was the daughter of the king of Magreb, a decendant of the Prophet Saleh (i.e the ancient community of thalmud). When her father was killed by the Egyptian Pharaoh Dhu I-‘arsh, she was captured and taken away as a slave. Later because of her royal blood, she was made the mistress of all the female slaves and given access to all of pharaoh’s wealth and possessions. We are told that Dhu I-‘arsh later converted to Abraham religion and readily granted Sarah’s request to have Hajar. Since Sarah was incapable of bearing children, she bestowed Hajar on her husband as recompense. It is said that Hajar was not her original name but that she received her name because of Sarah’s words to Abraham: ‘Here is your recompense’. Or Ha ajruka in Arabic. In time, her name became Hajar. The significant thing about the above account, which is also corroborated by medieval Arab source, is that Hajar was neither Egyptian nor a lowly maid, but an Arab royal blood and a descendant of an Arabic prophet. – Afnan H. Fatani – The Quran: an Encyclopedia

Nur said...


Wow, this blows me apart! I know there is a wrong concept somewhere, as I dont think Nabi Ismael must be from the decendant of the noblest.

SubhanAllah. Iranians truly have different pictures.

Please make a du'a for me.

Thanks Huda, you always help me in seeing something from a very different persepctive.. from a very much better perspective.

May I write about your ' heart' stories?

Hikari-san said...

Ada banyak pendapat, itu dari antara pendapat yang saya suka :D. Yang penting sumbernya kena ada asas dan alasan yang kukuh.. :)

Insha'allah may ur hajj journey be the best journey ever.. saya doakan selalu..

citer 'heart' tu, kira draft, sy tak check pun kalo ada salah.. nak tunggu check memang berkurun kot huhu.. ada satu quote- write ur first draft by heart and recheck by ur brain.. still tercari2 macammana nak focus menulis by heart...
nway - awak cut/paste je mana2 perlu since dari haritu awak nak tulis pasal'heart' tu.. anggaplah saya tolong mudahkan dengan tulis draft tu ok :D

Nur said...

silap ayat huda-

I do think Nabi Ismael must be from the noblest blood ever.

InsyaAllah. Saya masih membaca literature pasal Hajj. Ada yang ditulis oleh Ali Shariati, online. Baru nak membaca. Risau, gamba, semua ada. Allahim. Allahim. Kene train hati lagi untuk bersangka baik dengan Allah swt.