Wednesday, 13 April 2011



Sahabat-sahabat yang dikasihi, yang sentiasa di hati, dan tidak pernah mati. Moga-moga kalian sentiasa berada di 'sirotol mustaqim'. InsyaAllah, insyaAllah.


Sometimes we wish so badly that something isn't happening. But as we know, fate is irrecoverable. That's show the power of Allah The Most Exalted. All we have to do, like what Gandalf said, is what to do with the time that is given to you.

This concept has also been portrayed beautifully in Surah Al-Asr. We have been allocated with a certain amount of times. We, too, have been bestowed with an intelligence, to clearly distinguish between good and bad actions. And as the greatest gift from the Al-Mighty, we have religions to show us the true paths, and only one religion is true.

Since our time is limited, and we always do some errs, let's make up for the rest of our times with the good intentions and deeds. Even though it's hard to do it, let's struggle, and struggle, and struggle.

My flat mates always told me that they will know that I am cooking even when they ride the elevator, through the smell. Yah, I will always fry the onions, gingers and garlics, and sometimes with all the herbs to make my cookings more edible. I could also recognize who is cooking, because each one of them has a different style of cooking. Sadly, none of them like Asian food, and I couldn't offer them any of my cooking, unlike in my previous flat. However, both of the previous and current flatmates eat vegetables a lots. Half of their plates will be filled with vegetables, mostly broccoli, cauliflowers and carrots for the Europeans flatmates, and all other Asian vegetables for the Asian flatmates.

In another minute, the kick-off between Real Madrid and Tottenham Hotspur will start. My brother hates Hala Madrid, because CR7 has moved from his favourite team, Manchester United, to Real Madrid. Am I expecting any huge shock and upset? Not this time, not this time.



Sahabat yang dimuliakan, semoga Allah memberkahi dan melindungi kalian dari syaitan yang durjana, serta nafsu yang tidak pernah putus asa.

Dibawah ini dapur saya. Sangat bersih bukan? Saya bukan saja-saja menangkap gambar ini semasa ia sudah dibersihkan oleh cleaner kami (saya tinggal di asrama), tapi ini adalah standard dapur kami. Secretly, I believe that our cleaners really love to clean our kitchen compare to others, because it doesn't need to be cleaned.

Tahun lepas, saya tinggal bersama dengan 5 orang dari Asia. MasyaAllah, dapur kami penuh dengan periuk nasi dan pinggan mangkuk. Kalau dalam bahasa Inggeris nya, messy. Kalau diberi pilihan, adakah saya mahu tinggal bersama dengan orang dari Asia, atau dari benua Europe? Kedua-dua pilihan mempunyai 'pro' dan 'con', disini saya belajar erti kelapangan dan menghargai kebersihan, sehingga saya jua sudah berubah menjadi seorang yang sangat mementingkan kebersihan. Ya, attitudes can be developed too, through environments.

Lihat sahaja gambar dibawah, rakan-rakan saya disini mahu belajar bahasa baru, tidak seperti saya yang malas ini. Saya tidak sempat mahu mengisi kekosongan dibawah, kerana saya ngga punya masa mahu bersosial dengan mereka. They are very close to each other, always cook and eat together. During weekends, they will watch movies from laptop in the common room, always ask me to join them. However, being a muslim introvert lady is quite difficult here. Furthermore, I only love certain types of movies.

Saya jumpa quotation ini:

"We need the World bank, the IMF, all the big foundations, all the governments to admit that, for 30 years, we all blew it, including me when I was President. We were wrong to believe that food was like some other product in international trade, and we all have to go back to a more responsible and sustainable form of agriculture - Bill Clinton, 2008"

Typical, sudah jatuh baru mahu mengaku. Terus terangnya, kalau mahu menghapuskan kemiskinan dan pengangguran, kita perlu membangunkan sector agriculture. Itu yang saya belajar dari tamadun Islam. Tetapi sebahagian besar dari budget kita diberi kepada manufacturing dan construction, serta banking dan financial services industri. Adakah ia sustainable? Tidak, dan percayalah, kita akan menghadapi gelombang economic and financial crisis again, soon.



Lagi 12 hari akan ke London, untuk menemui sahabat lama Anis. Tiket masih belum dibeli, penginapan belum dicari. Baru sahaja menelefon Abah untuk memohon izin turun ke London, Abah sudah tergelak marah. Ya, saya tahu sahaja nada gelak marahnya. Dan ya, pasti, kene marah lagi. Bertubi-tubi soalan mengenai keperluan turun ke London. Aduhai.

Adik menulis, Kak, Abah macam marah sahaja Akak ke Dundee. Semasa scene itu menelefon meminta izin ke Dundee itu, Adik, Abah dan Bonda berada di dalam kereta. Pastinya, saya dimarahi ke Dundee. Akibatnya, mood tidak berapa bagus, ditambahi dengan keperluan menambah baiki penulisan saya. Pasti jua Adik mendengar bebelan Abah mengenai saya ke Dundee. Takper Dik, Manchester United menang.

Ya, degil jua saya ini. London! Tunggu saya.