His death still doesn’t make sense to me.
Up ‘till today, I haven’t visit his grave. Not before Hajj, not after Hajj.
Sort of afraid of accepting reality, my cowardice disgusts me.
Al-Fatihah, Dad. I miss you. Always. The beauty of life has gone with you. Oh Allah swt, You promise us that You will grant every our very hearts’ desires, please help me. Please help me in going through this greatest trial in my life.
In Gibraltar. I love, love this place. He took pictures with the monkeys, which amazed me. I was really afraid of so many animals, yet he loved them.
In Istanbul, Turkey. Once he told me that he preferred of touring Europe rather than Turkey, because he believed that he had time to go to Turkey at other times. But I’m glad that I didn’t take his suggestion, because Istanbul is easily the best place I’ve ever set my foots in, with them.
In Ustinov College, Durham UK, where I used to stay. I hate its small room, yet I love its vast kitchen. I love the surrounding, yet I hate it when I have to take bus to go to the town.
Al-Hambra, Spain. He really wanted to go there to see its history. I just want to go there with them.
In London, England. We performed Jum’aah Prayer in this mosque. This is my first time being there as well. After that, we went to Turkish dinner place for lunch. I think he loved London. Sort of an awesome place.
In Germany, where we visited the castle. I loveeeeeeeeee this place, this scenery, this picture. I love Munich, I love their Turkish community, I love their food.
I’ll meet you again, insyaAllah.
I know you didn't mean it..
need no reason or logic to explain.
Malaikat maut mencabut nyawa manusia atas perintah Allah, siapalah kita untuk mempersoalkannya sedangkan semua makhluk tertakhluk di bawah kekuasaanNYA. Apalah yang diharapkan untuk terus hidup bersama orang tersayang di dunia yang sementara ini sedangkan akhirat yang kekal abadi menanti di sana. Bila time frame kita di dunia telah berakhir bersyukurlah kita akan bertemu sang pencipta.
Jom ingat kisah Fatimah rad saat kewafatan Rasulullah: Kisah ini disampaikan oleh Aisyah rad.
diceritakan pada suatu saat Aisyah melihat suami nya (Rasulullah saw sedang duduk berdua dengan anak bungsunya Fatimah). Mereka berdua bertangis2an.. hal tersebut membuat Aisyah terharu.. Namun tak berapa lama kemudian Aisyah terkejut melihat mereka berdua tertawa gembira.
Ketika Rasulullah sudah wafat, bertanyalah Aisyah kepada Fatimah.. apakah gerangan yang membuat mereka menangis kemudian tertawa..
Fatimah menjawab pertanyaan Aisyah.. Mula mula saya merasa sedih kerana Nabi berkata, tak lama lagi kita akan berpisah.. namun kemudian beliau menghibur saya, mengatakan bahawa diantara sanak saudara .. maka Siti Fatimah lah yang pertama-tama akan bertemu kembali dengan Rasulullah di alam berikut nya..
*ya Fatimah juga sedih atas kewafatan bapanya..
- But, insha'Allah.. moga kita bersama-sama dengan orang yang kita dikasihi di tempatkan di kalangan orang beriman akhirat kelak. :)
*Maaf jika ayat saya over
Yes, you don't understand my 'sense', perhaps I choose words inadequately and poorly, yet I extremely grateful for the story.
Thanks Huda, it brights up my day!
*it brightens up my day!
Hahhaha, salah grammar.
Maaf ya, saya juga takut komen saya tidak sampai ke maksudnya, but keep on writing so saya belajar menyelami rasa kecintaan seorang anak terhadap bapanya.
Ehh awak sambung la citer nota catitan ayah awak sepanjang travelnya dulu itu, masih ada lagi kah sambungannya?
Owh Huda,
I'm the one who should apologize profusely, I use words that extremely unsuitable, which can be subjected to open and many interpretations. Thus it may lead to misunderstanding.
I've read that article, which I rephrase/plagiarize it in my other writing - the death is a truly an unbearable trial as it comes unexpectedly - or even we have expected it, it is totally different when you yourself experience it.
I pray that you won't go through the state that I'm currently facing.
His notes? I was thinking of recording it so many could benefit from it insyaAllah, alas, I couldn't find the book! Will try to search for it.
When are you coming back?
:D Going back next week.. ;)
I know it's a bit personal for you for this trial, initially I'm reluctant to comment for this entry but somehow I still want to write here. :D. Hope more positive energy will come to you.
Allah akan menguji kita pada takat kemampuan kita, so I'm sure you'll get over it Insha'Allah. We'll pray together ok. And who say we can't talk about our trial? we share and may other people benefit from it Insha'Allah.
Pada 'tahun kesedihan' Rasulullah, Allah turunkan surah yusuf. surah yusuf yang memberikan motivasi, ,malahan surah yang lembut bila dibacakan. Kemudian pada malam isra' dan mi'raj, rasullullah bertemu nabi yusuf in person... tis is aspiration - hemmah.. Aspiration for Rasullulah and for me when i read the sirah..
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