Membuat persiapan terakhir. Bonda yang mengemaskan semua barang-barang, alhamdulillah. Saya ini odai, saat akhir masih keluar membeli barang-barang yang diperlukan. Sungguh mahal hidup di Malaysia ini *sigh*. You, all the menteri-menteri, please be prepared to answer to Allah swt in the Judgement Day.
I wish Dad is here, I have so many things to ask. Inilah padahnya tidak masuk kelas. I was thinking of visiting his grave tomorrow morning. To say good bye. My heart feels that it has been ripped apart, a million pieces. Cik Peah and Cik Som came to visit us this morning, and Mum cried stating that Dad has been gone for 4 months and 22 days. I haven't realise it. Dad, Abah. I think he sorts of knowing that I'll be answering the call from Allah swt, The Summoner. And I imagine he will wave me good bye, for sure praying for me.
Abah, I really really really miss you. I wish you were with us. I'll go to Haramain tomorrow, where we have visited it together 5 years ago. I know you have the intention to go for hajj this year with me, alas. Alas...
I do not have enough time, but I do want to leave you with this beautiful, beautiful reminder. In fact I think this is the most magnificent wake-up call for me.
From Imam Al-Ghazali's book, Penenang Jiwa, interpreted by Muhammad Qadirun Nur:
Allah s.w.t telah memberikan wahyu kepada Nabi Musa a.s:
"Wahai Musa, jika engkau ingin Aku lebih dekat kepadamu daripada ucapanmu kepada lisanmu, daripada keraguan hatimu kepada hatimu, daripada rohmu kepada jasadmu, daripada cahaya penghilatanmu kepada matamu, dan daripada pendengaranmu kepada telingamu, maka perbanyakkanlah membaca selawat kepada Nabi Muhamad s.a.w."
I don't know about you, but for me, what is the nearest thing between the roh and the jasad? Nothing except the death. Yet, if we want Allah swt to be closed to us, closer than the roh in jasad, we need to, we must to, we have to, recite Selawat as much as we can.
Selawat, yuk?
Farewell, my friends, until we meet again, insyaAllah.
LabbaikAllah humma labbaik.
Mush dash!
Love, as always.
Assalamualaikum Kak Fakhzan, didoakan mendapat haji mabrur. Diberi bantuan oleh Allah dalam semua keadaan di sana. Sampaikan salam buat baginda Rasul saw, dan juga dua sahabat baginda r.a.
Al-Fatihah buat ayahnda, pasti bahagia di sana beroleh anak-anak yang soleh.
Selamat berangkat
salam ..semoga mendapat haji mabrur.
Selamat menunaikan haji.
Selamat dalam perjalanan dan sepanjang menjalani ibadah haji.
dikurniakan haji mabrur insha'Allah ameen..
Take care ok..
salam nur,
take care ya... doa saya menyertaimu. semoga lancar, sehat, selamat dan mendapat haji mabrur. amin :)
Alhamdulillah. Safe journey sister.
selamat pergi dan balik dan mencapai haji mabrur
selamat pergi dan balik dan mencapai haji mabrur
Hajj mabrour Insya Allah.
You du'a and continuation of good deeds for your dad will raise his position in yaumul akhirah insya Allah.
Salams to all.
The Hajj journey is amazing, I am kind of regretting that I'm back in Malaysia already.
JazakAllah hul khair for the doa, that I'm praying that it will be accepted. InsyaAllah, all the pilgrims this year will get Haji Mabrur, insyaAllah, that's my prayer until now.
And I pray that you, my dearest readers, will be summoned by Allah The Summoner next year for this truly amazing, beautiful journey. The most magnificent, if I may say so.
Please take care, and I pray that you are all in Allah's Rahmah and Protection, insyaAllah.
Moga jadi anak yang solehah insyaAllah. :)
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