Saturday 19 March 2011

If I may be forgiven by saying this: I'm well-trained before. Or in other words, previously, I am like a parrot. Mirroring all the facts faithfully on the exam papers. When it comes to the application, I am zero. Zero, I repeat. I do not know which one is wrong, whether I should be blamed, or the current education that is devotedly manufacturing graduates.

It is at the present time that I'll be able to recognise the merit and dismerit of a theory. A little better than before. To understand how the policy affect the world, particularly to the third world country. I wish that every present student is being bestowed with this kind of wisdom, earlier in their lives, so any desired changes will be attainable. Any repugnant political corruption, any disgusting resources misallocation, any corrupted moral behaviour, thus, are avoidable.

I pray. Hard.

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