Sunday 2 December 2012


Catatan lama,

but yeah...for you. You, who have aroused my curiosity, and then kill it. Allahim. Yes, you, you know who you are.


Bismillahir-Rahman nir-Rahim

Salam Pencinta Kebenaran,

Moga-moga kamu berada dalam jalan-Nya. Meskipun pahit untuk tetap berada dijalan-Nya, saya du’akan kita sama-sama tetap melangkah, biar mungkin terpaksa mengesot, atau merangkak, tetaplah kedua belah kaki mu, sahabat. Biarkan magis du’a-du’a kita berterbangan di angkasa raya.

Saya sangat suka siri Grey’s Anatomy. Iya, cebir saja, saya juga kurang pasti mengapa saya sangat-sangat menyukai siri ini. Penuh dengan adegan yang sangat-sangat lucah, tapi jalan untuk menghindarinya nya mudah deh, lajukan saja, atau tutup mata. Jangan ambil kira tentang itu, lihat saja dalam perspektif berbeza. Banyak sahaja pelajaran hidup yang saya kutip dari siri itu. Mahu tahu? Jangan ditanya saya, saya kan aneh-aneh sahaja. Mungkin pandangan saya tidak selari dengan kamu. Tonton sahaja dulu deh…

Dan musim ke-empat sudah habis. Saya terpempan dengan siri akhir musim ini. Penuh dengan adegan (eeii…betoi ker gue eja nih? Ker adengan?) yang memual kan, menjijikkan, dan menjauhi norma-norma manusia beradap. Tapi bukan itu yang saya mahu bicarakan, saya mahu bicara tentang lagu yang menjadi tema episode akhir ini. Lagu ini - The Quest , dinyanyikan oleh Bryn Christopher.

Izinkan saya kutip liriknya –
What I’m gonna live for
What I’m gonna die for
Who you gonna fight for

Kepada pembaca yang dihormati - boleh kan saya bertanya dengan sejujurnya - apakah yang tujuan hidup kamu ini? Set aside the Islamic things, the muslim things, because the answers seem cliché, what drive you to live? Answer honestly, I dare you. Listen to your heart, your perhaps treacherous heart, I repeat, because, if the heart is pure, it is where Allah swt shows you, what your life should be.

What’s you are gonna die for? Again, if you dare, ask yourself, what is it? What will you do your best to achieve for? Ask yourself, and let yourself answer it honestly, without reservations, without hesitations, without faltering. You know the answer. Trust me. You know. There’s no uncertainty what it will be then. Will it a relationship? A friendship? Honour? Trust? Respect? Love? Faith? It seems to me, there are lots of things worth fighting for.

Who you gonna fight for (urghh…I think, there’s a grammar mistake there…kan..). This is a simple enough question. (Put aside your family, they are the ultimate one). Answer me. But you are not brave enough to answer that question, kan?

And you are not courageous enough, not valiant enough, not bold enough, not daring enough, not heroic enough to fight for …

Because if you be honest to yourself, you won’t have any hesitation to fight for … and as bold as you are claimed to be, you will, eventually, have enough courage to fight for…




Pada yang hatinya sedang berjalan di atas langit - ya, kamu, kamu , kamu dan kamu. Aku tahu sungguh perasaan itu – dan mahu sekali ku khabarkan, bahawa itu adalah salah satu anugerah-Nya yang paling indah, kerana ia mengajar kita menjadi hamba-Nya yang bersyukur, bukan?

Ini di Berlin. Berlin itu mengingat kan saya kepada Berlian. Permata paling berharga diantara semua permata. Dan Allah Rabbul Izzati itu sudah mengingatkan kita bahawa kita akan sangat tertarik kepadanya, dengan berlebih-lebihan, kecuali orang-orang yang bertaqwa.

Memorial to the Murdered Jews in Europe

Berliner Mauer = Berlin Wall

Berliner Dom = Berlin Cathedral. Impressive, real impressive. Kalah Durham Cathedral.

Wajah pagi, diambil sewaktu perjalanan menggunakan keretapi dari Berlin ke Prague

Berlin Church, kot. Tak ingat Smile

Someone is selling second-hand books in front of the Humboldt University. All of them are in German.

Autumn in Berlin. This is in front of the Berlin Cathedral. Wish I could have a picnic here.

p/s: Kesalahan tarikh di dalam gambar. Harap maaf.


Let’s the pictures tell the stories, aye? It was damn cold in Ireland, but luckily, on the day itself to the castle, the sun shined brilliantly.
What’s the rush with the posts? I’m not so sure whether I could get access to the internet as much as I want, and I am not so sure whether I have the mood to update it. Yes, I’m going back to the real world. Hope it’s gonna be nice to me.
Oh I miss Durham already.


I love Leicester. If I know this city is really nice, with muslims everywhere, as well as the halal shops, I will move and stay in Leicester. You can see the mosque in every corner. Yah, even though it doesn’t feel like you are in the UK, but what the heck, you are still in the foreign land.
Let’s the stories begin!

The city is big of course. It’s not that clean, but the shops are bigger and better than in Durham.

I love market, be it in Salzburg, Istanbul or Leicester. Who doesn’t though? Here is Min, my host, with her daughter.

Here is the little garden in front of the Leicester Information Centre. So many pigeons that are waiting to be fed.

Having a late lunch with Lily Tay. Still single and available. If you guys are interested, PM me k. (Owh she did ask me to find someone).


Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahiim,
Allahuma Solli ‘Ala Saidina Muhamad, wa’ala ali Saidina Muhamad.
I pray that you are healthy, wealthy and happy. Thanks for dropping by, and may Allah swt bless you and your family and your loved ones. Please pray for me too.
So, maybe here is the last post about travelling. Syukur alhamdulillah I was given a chance to see the world. Unimaginable. Allah swt is really kind, while I’m short with some things, I’m being blessed with so many things. I hope my posts will inspire many people in many ways. Let’s hope and trust – and pray, and surely your prayers will be answered in the way that beyond your wildest dream.
And Prague, is truly beautiful.
The Dancing House in Prague. It looks like the Tabung Haji back home.
One of the bridges in Prague. It does remind me of Istanbul. And Salzburg.
Some street performers at the Charles Bridge. They play a soothing music, alas, we don’t have time to listen to it!
We rent a real posh car to be taken around Prague in one hour. Guess what? So many people take picture of us, we feel like we are the royals!
In Josefov, or the Jewish Quarter in Prague, it’s pretty! And won’t you believe it that they have the food festival. We buy a home-made ice cream, it’s super delicious.
St. Vitus Cathedral. Real impressive too! I have visited many cathedral, I’m supposed.
Well then, in the meantime, please take care.
Must dash!
Love, as always.



Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahiim,

Allah humma Solli 'Ala Saidina Muhamad, wa'ali Saidina Muhamad.

The best thing about the above picture: the young father has four children that are waiting for him at the Firdaus's front gate. And I'm green with envy. He's cleaning his babies before he buries them. Allah, Allahim. 

While driving yesterday, I suddenly remembered our journey to Madinah. Hot. Sad. Hotter. Sadder. Yet Happy. Ridiculous feelings? 

Her greatest asset is her feeling. Devoid of it, and she is reduced to be just a mere person. Worse, she seems lost. I used to be like her. Please pray that I'm good again.

Just believe. Just. Nothing can help you except faith. Have faith.