Tuesday 22 March 2011


I don't keep in touch with people via Facebook. I don't know why, that social network just doesn't appeal to me. It takes ages for me to approve the friend request, and by that time perhaps these people will have negative speculations why I do not approve it instantly. Honestly, facebook means nothing to me. If my friends in Durham and all Durhamnians around the world do not keep in touch via Facebook, I 'll have it deleted right now.

I watch Step Up 3 last night. It is not my kind of movie, but I love the ballroom tango. Always want to learn it, and to hear this song to be used as a ballroom music, wow, it's cool man.

The weather is extremely nice today. And to see the cherry blossoms in front of Claypath Hibiscus's place, it is such a bless.

And you, have a have nice day!

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