Saturday 5 March 2011


Old writing again, I've found myself to reminisce about the good old times *sigh*. However, if I were given a chance, I would never want to go through this journey ever again.

Owh the sun has shining again! The sun, I miss you.


Salam Pencinta Kejaiban,

Moga-moga keajaiban itu akan berlaku lagi di dalam hidup mu.

Just a quick words to myself – to remind what I’m going to blog whenever I can find time for it.

1) You won’t believe it, I finally found a book on Labour Market that makes me chuckle, and laugh with gusto. Why is that? Because the author doesn’t believe in any theory, and writes it with a marvelous satire. Never could I imagine someone who knows very well all the theories, someone who is truly a genius but eventually loses all the faiths and beliefs and converts to skepticism. I think I’m becoming one. Yeah, like one of my friends.

2) I love to write about what another great economist skeptically wrote about Keynesian Economics and associated it with the religion! Sometimes I wonder, do they believe in anything?

3) I thought writing about Keynes will be a cinch, but how wrong I am! It always happens to me lately, being wrong for almost everything. It is the most difficult part so far ( and I thought production function is the hardest), because there are layers of interpretation in the Keynes’ General Theory which is seriously perplexing. And damn me, I have no idea what SV wants. I do know what I want though – to never revisit the celebrated Keynesian Labour Economics. Ever. Ever. Rest in Peace, my brother.

4) The heartbroken moments that I’m going to experience in September. But, I would like to remind you, Nur, this is the greatest month ever, so don’t you dare drowning yourself in the hedonic dreams.

5) All the definite state that I’m currently battling on. Great. Thanks to you for defining it. I was quite afraid at first, but then, you are so predictable. Because through you, I am able to see who I am, at last. A bow to you, a final curtain has been called.

And if by God’s will, I’ll go home. Please God, send me a ticket. Please please please. By some miracles, it can happen. :D Happy Ramadhan al-Mubarak my dearest readers, hope you and I will be blessed.

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