Saturday 12 February 2011


Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim,


Allahumma Solli A'la Saiyidna Muhamad, Waa'la aa'li Saiyidna Muhamad.

Hujan renyai-renyai disini. Bumi UK jua meraikan kemenanganmu, wahai Misri. Semoga hari-hari mendatang punya lebih rahmat-Nya. InsyaAllah. Bukankah kita ini ngga punya apa-apa? "Hai manusia, kamulah yang berkehendak kepada Allah, dan Allah, Dialah yang Maha Kaya (yang tidak memerlukan sesuatu) lagi Maha Terpuji" (Fathir: 15).

Bonda baru sahaja menelefon saya. Seperti selalu hati saya berdegup kencang, mengapa Bonda menelefon seawal pagi di Malaysia? Rupanya mahu bertanya khabar, kerana Bonda ngga sempat mengangkat telefon sebelumnya. Bonda jua risau, adakah keadaan di UK akan menjadi seperti di Mesir? I just laugh, do these lads and lasses have what it takes to carry a revolution? The taxes have been increased to the unbelievable points, the prices have increased so high, threatening to crumbling the economy, but here, the poor and unemployed people do get allowances, unlike in Egypt.

A revolution in the UK? Inconceivable. But, anything can happen, just look at the Tunisia's and Egypt's experiences. Unimaginable.

I hate Micro perspectives. Period. Thus, to write back the literature from the microeconomic perspectives is killing me. Allahim.

My handphone has been revived after the Al-Fatihah recitation. I've done the exact opposite of talkin thingy. Goodness me, it's truly scary.

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