Sunday 30 January 2011


verbalresistance:  The brutality and interwoven censorship of the dictatorship continues to escalate. NB. “haram” in this context simply means ‘explicitly religiously forbidden’ under Islamic teachings - in this case, the doctor is likely referring to the brutal crackdown of the regime against the protesters in general and in particular the murdering of innocent civilians seeking freedom with live ammunition.  Astaghfirullah


The brutality and interwoven censorship of the dictatorship continues to escalate.

NB. “haram” in this context simply means ‘explicitly religiously forbidden’ under Islamic teachings - in this case, the doctor is likely referring to the brutal crackdown of the regime against the protesters in general and in particular the murdering of innocent civilians seeking freedom with live ammunition.


You have the power to change everything, let's start by praying, reciting anything that comes into your mind. We have to fight for justice.


Aishah Nur Hakim said...

oh kak, saya sungguh risaukan kawan2 di sana.

hingga tak bisa tidur malam tadi.

(dan baca blog ni buat tambah risau)

Nur said...


Wah, ya ka, selawat banyak2 ya kalau risau sangat.

Syukran for the blog add, saya mencari2 info untuk perkembangan terkini bebudak kita di mesir, kasihannya, pasti pengalaman ngeri, ya lah, dah macam perang kan.

Doakan mereka, dan segala umat Islam, terutamanya di Malaysia.

Terbaca di beberapa blog, mungkinkah ini jalan untuk membebaskan Palestine? Orang2 atasan di USA dan Israel sedang sgt bimbang sebenarnya, menanti2 siapakah yang dipilih Allah swt untuk menerajui Mesir?

Dan moga2 yang terpilih itu akan lebih berani dalam isu Palestine, seperti mana pendirian Turkey, insyaAllah. Buat malu jer kaum Turks yang lebih2 membantu Arabs!